Pre-Procedure Instructions
One week before your appointment:
Avoid taking the following supplements (Vitamin E, B6, Omega 3, Gingko Biloba, St. John’s Wort) as they contribute to thinning of the blood and may affect anesthetic efficacy.
Avoid drinking alcohol and taking Aspirin/Advil (ibuprofen) for 2 days before appointment.
Please let the Technician know if you have underlying health and bleeding disorders
Please let the Technician know if you are taking any medications that may affect the procedure (ex. Warfarin is a blood thinner).
Eat nutritious meals with Vitamin K rich foods which help thicken the blood. These include leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, bok choy, yu choy, gai lan choy, cabbage, and cauliflower.
Make sure you are well-rested. Insomnia and stress can lead to more pain during procedure.
On the day of your appointment:​
Avoid drinking caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks) on the day of appointment. These are blood thinners and will cause more bleeding.
If you develop a cold/flu, blemish, or rash in the eyebrow area, please reschedule your appointment for when it resolves
Eat right before your appointment - Your pain tolerance is highest after eating.
If your skin is prone to redness and you tend to get allergies (contact dermatitis), it is recommended to take one allergy relief pill (Antihistamines may include: Reactine, Claritin, Benadryl, etc). This should be taken 1 hour before appointment.
A sterile, one-time-use, disposable microblade is used to make hair-like strokes through the top layer of the skin. If you are sensitive to pain, please take one or two Tylenol (acetaminophen) pills , 1-hour before the appointment. However, DO NOT TAKE ADVIL (IBUPROFEN) OR ASPIRIN.
Shower and wash your hair before appointment.
Healing Instructions
Your skin will be sensitive after the treatment and you should adhere to the following instructions for the next 7 days. This will help avoid infection and will allow time for the skin to recover.
Rinse the eyebrow area very gently (mild face soap and water) 1-2x daily as it heals. Please note that prolonged exposure to water is not allowed. Do not rub brows with a rough towel to dry them, please gently pat dry with a clean cotton pad.
Apply a thin layer of barrier cream (obtained from free aftercare kit) 2x daily.
DO NOT TOUCH or PICK the small scabs.
Do not apply eyebrow makeup.
If you apply foundation/powder makeup during the 7 days following the treatment, you do so at your own risk.
During the post treatment period, please try to avoid the following:
Touching the treated area.
Facial treatments, including eyelash or eyebrow tinting or tweezing, waxing, electrolysis, etc.
Any abrasive products, rough towels or similar.
Taking hot baths, saunas, steam or any other heat treatments. The treated area should be kept as dry as possible.
Sunbathing, UV sun beds, swimming, or excessive sweating by exercising.
Using any form of bleach or depilatory products (removing unwanted hair).
Using anti-aging and exfoliating products (Retin-A, glycolic acid, etc.)
What To Expect During Healing
Day 1-3
Brows will look darker and thicker as scabbing start to form.
Brows feel tender & sore and may look warm and/or reddish.
Day 4-5
Redness should be reduced.
Flaking and crusting of the eyebrows may occur.
Eyebrows will feel dry and itchy.
Scabs peel off in random pieces and look patchy.
The areas without the scabs will look lighter in colour.
Day 6-7
70-100% of scabs should fall off during this time.
Colour looks very light and the shape may look thinner.
Some areas may have lost more colour compared to other areas.
Colour can look uneven.
Day 14-28
Colour gradually becomes darker as the skin heals.
The healed colour is very soft and 50% lighter than day 1.
Some areas of the brows may have lost more colour and touchup may be required.
The colour will fade approximately 30% - 50% when the scabs fall off. This is completely normal. Do not feel discouraged if the fading is more than you expected. The colour will become slightly darker 1-2 weeks after ALL the scabs fall off.
The final result will often not be obtained without returning for a touch-up visit to reshape or augment areas within/around the eyebrows. Please note that multiple touchups may be needed to achieve your ideal eyebrow shape and colour.